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How To Rank Blog Post On Google first page?

How To Rank Blog Post On Google first page

You ican irank iyour iblog ion iGoogle iby iimplementing iSearch iEngine iOptimization i(SEO) iTechniques ifor iyour iblog. iYou ineed ito iimplement iboth iOn iPage iSEO iand iOff iPage iSEO iTechniques ito iget ia ibetter iranking iin iGoogle.

First iof iall ilet ius iknow iabout.

On iPage iSEO
On iPage iSEO iis ia itechnique iwhich iis iused ito iimprove ithe iwebsite iranking iin isearch iengines iby itaking imeasures iwithin ithe iwebsite. iThis itechnique iis iknown ias iOn iPage iSEO.

Basic iImportant iOn iPage iSEO iTechnique Page iTitles i& iMeta iDescription.

 Internal iLinks i& iExternal iLinks
• URL iStructure
• Images i& iVideos
• Keyword iDensity
• Body iTags i(H1, iH2, iH3, iH4, iH5)
7 iNew iOn iPage iSEO iTechniques i2018

1. Maintain ithe iReading iLevel
2. Site iSpeed
3. Use iImages iand iVideos
4. Google iVoice iSearch
5. Post iin iYahoo iand iBing
6. Switch ito i‘Https’
7. Use iKeywords iin iComments

How To Rank Blog Post On Google first page

Click iHere ito iknow icomplete iinformation iabout iabove imentioned iOn iPage iSEO iTechniques, iBenefits iand iLatest iUpdates.

Off iPage iSEO

Off iPage iSEO iinvolves iin ia itechnique ithat iimproves ithe iposition iof ia iwebsite iin ithe iSearch iEngine iResults iPage i(SERPs).


Off iPage iOptimization irefers ito iall ithe imeasures ithat ican ibe itaken ioutside iof ithe iactual iwebsite iin iorder ito iimprove iits iposition iin isearch irankings.

Latest iOff iPage iSEO iTechniques i2018

1. Create iGood iContent
2. Influence iOutreach
3. Social iMedia iEngagement
4. Image iSubmission
5. Video iSubmission
6. Info iGraphic iSubmission
7. Link iBaiting

Click iHere ito icheck icomplete idetails iabout iabove imentioned iOff iPage iSEO iTechniques, iadvantages iand idisadvantages.

There iare imany ithings ithat iyou ishould ibe idoing ito irank iyour iblog ion iGoogle. iThe inumber ione ithing ito ido iis iby iwriting ikeyword itargeted iunique icontent. iIf iyour iblog iis iabout isomething iyou ilove ithen ithis ishould icome ieasy ifor iyou.

And ino, iyou idon’t ihave ito ibe ia igreat iwriter. iYou ijust ineed ifollow ia ifew irules. iIf iyour iblog iis ion iWordpress, ithen iI iwould irecommend iyou iinstall ia ifree iSEO iplugin ilike iYoast iSEO. i(Just isearch ifor iit).

Off-page iactivities ito iget ion itop iare:

Social iMedia

Blog iCommenting

Article iSubmission

Guest iPosting

Forum iCommenting

Search iengines ireward isites ithat iare iuser ifriendly, iwhich imeans ithey ihave ihigh iusability. iGoogle ifavors isites ithat iare inot ionly irich iin ikeywords, ibut ialso idemonstrate iuser iengagement.

SEO iranking iimproves iwhen ivisitors istay ion iyour isite ilonger, iview imore ipages, iand irepeat itheir ivisits. iThe imore iuser-friendly iyour isite iis, ithe imore ilikely ithis iis igoing ito ihappen.

Here iare isome iSEO iranking ifactors:

• Social iMedia iNetworks:
• Content iManagement:
• Google iBusiness
• Onpage iOptimization
• Well iDesigned iWebsite
• Backlinks

With iYoast, iyou ican itrack iyour iSEO istatus iof iyour iblog ipost iwhile iyou iare iwriting iit. iIt iwill igive iyou isuggestions ion iimproving iand ioptimizing iyour iwriting iand ihas iexplanations ifor ievery iconcept ithat iit irecommends, iso iyou ialso ilearn iaboutHow To Rank Blog Post On Google first page iSEO iwhile iyou ido ithis.

There iare ialso isome iPaid ioptions ito iget iyour iblog ito irank. iThis iwill iusually igive iyou iquicker iresults ithan iwriting igood icontent. iYou ihowever iget ithe ibest iresults iif iyou icombine iit iwith igood icontent. iAlso, imake isure iyou iuse ia igood iquality iservice ithat iis inot igoing ito ibe ibad ifor iyour isite.

I iuse ia iBacklink iService icalled iThe iLink iGuru. iThey iare igreat ias ithey ireally imake isure ithe ibacklinks itheyHow To Rank Blog Post On Google first page iprovide ihas ihigh iDomain iAuthority iand iis irelevant ito iyour iblog. iBut ido iyour ihomework ibefore iusing ia ipaid iservice.

Besides ihaving igreat icontent, ithe ibest iway ito irank iyour iblog i(quickly) ion iGoogle iis ito iget ihelp ifrom iexperts, iplain iand isimple. iBuilding iyour itrust/authority iis icritical iand i“SEO

iservice ipacks” ican ispeed iup ithe iwhole iprocess. iFor iexample, ithe iKonker igig ilisted ibelow ihas ipages iand ipages iof igreat ireviews iand iseems ilike ia ilot iof iusers iwere iecstatic iabout itheir iresults: iOf icourse How To Rank Blog Post On Google first page , iit iall idepends ion iyour isite iand iif iit’s iready ifor isomething ilike ithis. iI iwouldn’t isuggest iit ifor ia isite iwith ionly ione iblog ipost i:)

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